
We've just released Volume II, Issue1(3), Summer 2010 of Journal of Applied Research in Finance!

How to order

The journal will be available on-line and will be also distributed to many universities, research institutes and libraries in Romania and abroad. To subscribe to this journal and receive the on-line/printed version, please fill this Order Form and then send it directly to


 Subscription Price
in Euro
 Subscription Price
in LEI

 1 YEAR - 2 Issues

 Institutional: 400    Personal: 200

One Issue: 150 Euro

Institutional: 400    Personal: 200

One Issue: 150 Lei

 2 YEARS - 4 Issues  Institutional: 500    Personal: 300 Institutional: 500    Personal: 300
 3 YEARS - 6 Issues Institutional: 600    Personal: 400

Institutional: 600    Personal: 400

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