Mission Statement – The European Center of Managerial Studies in Business Administration is aiming to become the common meeting ground for scientists, dedicated researchers and those business environment representatives who are interested in the promotion of research and innovation through the creation of a stimulating business environment.

We aim towards excellence in the scientific research activity because this is a genuine key to success and development and this is why our mission statement is "Excellence in scientific research". Our fundamental values are:

  • - innovation and creativity in the research activity
  • - professional excellence of the human resources involved
  • - integration in the current knowledge generation
  • - ethic conduct and integrity in the research activity

Research Directions

  • - Innovation and efficiency in business management through the information technology
  • - Promoting the entrepreneurial culture through modern management tools
  • - Implicating the financial markets in the process of durable development in Romania
  • - Modern accounting policies in the international context
  • - Management and performance in SMEs
  • - Implementing the principles of corporate governance in Romania